Learning Resources for SSRDE


Social Sciences Research and Development Environment 

Our compute cluster is designed to be as simple as possible, so the learning overhead is low.  

If you find that our cluster is not capable of doing the advanced cluster work you might need, or you have out grown our environment(we have done our job correctly!!!) we can contact SDSC and obtain access to the much larger cluster resources at SDSC.

For support, please contact sscf-infrastructure@ucsd.edu


Intro to command line video tutorial

Our guide might be useful for basic instruction SSRDE Quickstart guide

Detailed squeue commands - squeue -o "%.18i %.18P %.18j %.12u %.5t %.10M %.6D %.6C %R %N"

Detailed sinfo  commands - sinfo -o "%20P %5a %.10l %.12s %12r %5h %10g %.5D %11T %R %N"

Take a look here for more detailed info Modules: Managing software on SSRDE

SCP: Moving a workspace to SSRDE

SSRDE Batch File Examples

9.  After you submit your first job, use the sinfo and squeue commands above to see how your job is interacting with the cluster.