Set Up your account for A Duo token

In order for ITS to issue you a token, your account needs to be activated first.  The process is easy, but it's definitely not intuitive.

First, go to this Duo registration page and log in using your campus AD credentials:

Then click on the green "Start Setup" button.

Next you should see this screen which prompts you to enroll a device.  At this point if you'll only be using the token you've done everything you need to do and can close the window.  ITS will activate the token when it arrives and a member of SSCF staff will bring it to you.

If you'd like to set up an office, cellular, or home telephone number as a backup authenticator (in case you lose or damage your token), you can proceed to do that here.  (If you want to set up a cell phone to receive calls for authentication without installing the app, chose the "Landline" option and enter your cell number there.)

*The "Security Key" option is actually for a different type of token, not the one being given out by campus.