*Under construction*    PEB Conference room AV options and connections information

Audio video options for PEB conference rooms are a laptops, a webcam, or an OWL (SSCF has some for loan) below are steps for connecting and using them.   

The conference rooms listed below have similar audio visual options and method of connecting.  The main differences are in number of TV's and if they have a projector.

Available spaces:
PEB 116

PEB 201

PEB 221

PEB 224

PEB 303

PEB 321

PEB 401

PEB 416

PEB 424

PEB 425

PEB 519

PEB 520

PEB 7th Floor Event Terrace

PEB 720

PEB 721

PEB 906

Connect laptop to either HDMI or USB-C cable which are located in a cubby on the conference table.  Some rooms have one cubby.  Ohers as many as four.

HDMI cable connected to laptop.

USB-C cable connected to laptop.

Wall touch panel controls AV input and output.  Touch to activate.

Touching panel turns on the screen.  Press green "On" button.

This room as four cubbies to select from as input options.  Select the one you have used for your laptop

By default all video output options are used.  In this next screen if only one output such as a TV or projector is desired you can select it here.

For Audio and Video the easiest solution is to use the laptops camera, microphone, and speaker

For better quality you can use an external webcam for video and audio input.  Audio output will still be the laptop speakers.  It will plug into your laptops USB port.

If a presenter is in the front of the room you can position  the webcam to face them.  The webcam could also capture writing on a whiteboard.

In most cases the webcam will be detected and used automatically but if needed you can check if it is the Audio input source

In most cases the webcam will be detected and used automatically but if needed you can check if it is the Video input source

An OWL is a good option for meetings where you want multiple people in the room to be seen and heard.  Either around a table or with a presenter in front with people giving input from around the room.  The front video quality will not be as good at capturing information on a whiteboard as a webcam.  Unlike the webcam the OWL also has built in speaker for better audio output quality.

If you need to connect the USB and Power cables to the OWL they connect on the underside

In most cases the OWL will be detected and used automatically but if needed you can check if it is the Audio input source

In most cases the OWL will be detected and used automatically but if needed you can check if it is the Video input source